Reddit enter the gungeon items wiki
Reddit enter the gungeon items wiki


BROCCOLI = damage and speed up, little chance to negate damage SHADOW BULLETS = chance to shoot an extra tear BATTERY BULLETS = chance to shoot electrified tears

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SILVER BULLETS = + 25% damage to bosses, *2 damage to champions VORPAL BULLETS = chance to shoot a very powerfull tear HEAVY BULLETS = damage up, shotspeed down, knocback multiplier and bigger tears FAT BULLETS = damage up and tears down, bigger tears and knockback multiplier ROCKET-POWERED BULLETS = damage and tears up, shot speed way up PLATINUM BULLETS = permanent 0.01 damage up with each kill RIDDLE OF LEAD = damage, speed and health up, can negate damage when at 1 heart or less COOLANT LEAK = sprays water forward and cannot be obtained by other Gungeoneers DISARMING PERSONALITY = 2 coin shop discount TRUSTY LOCKPICKS = 50% chance of opening locked chests and doors SUPPLY DROP = spawns 3 batteries and two random pick ups Para robar, ponte al lado del item que quieras y activa uno de los cuatro objetos mencionados abajo Cada vez que robes algo de una tienda, tu maldición aumentará 1 punto Si algunos sprites no cargan, reiniciar el juego debería solucionarlo La Convicta comienza con Lusty Blood en vez de Bloody Lust, porque, de lo contrario, sería literalmente Sansón pero con un Molotov Y algunos otros detalles de los cuales ni me acuerdo :v

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1 nueva carta (5% de probabilidad de aparecer) 8 nuevos personajes: el Marine, la Convicta, la Cazadora, el Piloto, el Robot, la Bala, el Pistolero y la Paradoja 117 items del ETG (algunos nuevos y otros reemplazados, lista completa abajo) Muchísimo contenido del Enter the Gungeon ahora en la Workshop del Isaac. To steal, stand next to the item you want and activate one of the four items listed below Each time you steal something from shops, your curse is increased by 1 If some sprites don't load, just restart the game The convict starts with Lusty Blood instead of Bloody Lust, because, otherwise, she would be literally Samson but with a Molotov And some other minor details I forgot lol 8 new characters: the Marine, the Convict, the Hunter, the Pilot, the Robot, the Bullet, the Gunslinger and the Paradox


117 items from ETG (some new and others replaced, see full list below) A lot of content from Enter the Gungeon now in Isaac's workshop.

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Unleash everything from the tried and true medley of missiles, lasers, and cannonballs to the bizarrely effective volley of rainbows, fish, foam darts, and bees! Yep, bees.TBOI GUNGEON EDITION. The Guns: Discover and unlock scores of uniquely fantastic guns to annihilate all that oppose you in the Gungeon – each carrying their own unique tactics and ammunition. Filled with equal parts courage and desperation, these adventurers won’t hesitate to dive across flaming walls, roll through a wall of bullets, or take cover behind whatever is around to make it to their goal alive! The Gungeoneers: Choose between one of several unlikely heroes, each burdened by a deep regret and in search of a way to change their past, no matter the cost.

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These disciples of the gun will stop at nothing to put down the heroes in their tracks and employ any tactics necessary to defend their temple. The Cult of the Gundead: The Gungeon isn’t just traps and chasms – calm your nerves and steady your aim as you face down the gun-totting Cult of the Gundead. But beware – the Gungeon responds to even the most modest victory against its sentries and traps by raising the stakes and the challenges found within! The Gungeon: Enter the Gungeon – a constantly evolving bullet hell fortress that elegantly blends meticulously hand-designed rooms within a procedurally-generated labyrinth bent on destroying all that enter its walls. Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with opportunistic merchants and shopkeepers to purchase powerful items to gain an edge.


Select a hero and battle your way to the bottom of the Gungeon by surviving a challenging and evolving series of floors filled with the dangerously adorable Gundead and fearsome Gungeon bosses armed to the teeth. Enter the Gungeon is a bullet hell dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the legendary Gungeon’s ultimate treasure: the gun that can kill the past.

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